Learn 7 Ways to Spice Up Your Customer Experience

Some companies still haven’t found the magic recipe for providing a great customer experience, but OneReach’s Elias Parker might be able to help them out. In an article published by UX Mag, Elias lists seven things companies can add to spice up their customer experience, including speed, variety, and consistency.

9 IVR Best Practices You Need to Know

Interactive voice response (also known as IVR) is one of the most notorious service channels of all time. Originally introduced to decrease the amount of time agents needed to spend on the phone while increasing the number of problems solved. Unfortunately, IVR ended up creating brand new problems for the customer: long hold times, confusing […]

10 Things To Consider When Text-Enabling Your Contact Center

The following provides a rough outline of what needs to be considered when implementing text messaging services in a contact center or business. While some of these items may seem daunting they can actually be completed pretty quickly depending on the size and scope of the implementation.

5 Tips When Adding New Communication Channels into Your Business

The way people communicate with one another is rapidly changing. We are spending more time online or sending text messages than talking on the phone. In fact, if you’re out in public and take a look around, you’re bound to see someone texting within 10 feet of you.