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Conversational Interfaces Scale in Ways GUIs Never Will

Attempts at scaling GUIs, like Sharepoint and Salesforce, ultimately revealed the hard truth that a UI with a hundred tabs designed by as many people is even worse to navigate than it sounds. Salesforce acquired Slack so it could rebuild around a unifying.

People Want to Text Your Business

Wow, 64% of texters prefer it over phone for customer support. This graphic shows many more stats on the effects of a business using text messaging to interact with customers.

Software 2.0 – Reinterpreting Software

“If you think of neural networks as a software stack and not just a pretty good classifier, it becomes quickly apparent that they have a huge number of advantages and a lot of potential for transforming software in general.” Reinterpreting the way you understand neural networks will completely change the way you think of software. […]

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