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Weekly Review: 07/18

Happy Friday! Here’s our picks for the best customer service, customer experience, bot and mobile articles of the week, in no particular order.

Why Your Mobile Strategy Isn’t Complete Without Text Messaging

In today’s world, customer service is no longer restricted to a simple phone call. A recent report from Dimension Data found that digital interactions account for 35% of all contact center interactions. In fact, customers are so vested in the idea of emerging channels that contact centers have ranked it their number one priority. As digital use climbs, nearly […]

Mobile Phones Aren’t Even Phones Anymore

This guest post is written by Olga Grigorenko, a freelance writer for Fueled. We can all remember the days when we memorized our friends’ numbers, carefully recorded new contacts in address books, and coquettishly wrote down our digits on party napkins. Telephones were lifelines and phone calls were indispensable. But then mobile phones happened, and our […]

Year End Review: Customer Service Trends in 2015 and Beyond

As we look back on 2015, it’s tempting to refer to that age-old adage: “The more things change, the more things stay the same.” This year, that couldn’t be further from the truth. That’s because 2015 was the year the technology really made its presence known in customer service. Automation, artificial intelligence, social media, CRM […]

Why Your Mobile Strategy Isn’t Complete Without Text Messaging

In today’s world, customer service is no longer restricted to a simple phone call. A recent report from Dimension Data found that digital interactions account for 35% of all contact center interactions. In fact, customers are so vested in the idea of emerging channels that contact centers have ranked it their number one priority. As […]

How Voice and Text Can Increase Your Mobile App Downloads

Many of today’s top businesses offer a mobile app, and all of them are looking for downloads in an increasingly prevalent mobile market. There were an estimated 138 billion global app downloads in 2014, and that number is set to double to 270 billion in 2017. With over half of American consumers downloading around four […]

SMS Customer Support: Mobile as the Preferred Service Channel

According to a recent Gartner report, “by 2015, at least 60% of Internet users will opt for mobile customer service applications as their first option.” This is a significant shift that brings with it enormous challenges and opportunities. Companies and brands that honor this “mobile first” preference must understand the intimate relationship that people have […]

Mobile Apps vs. Text Chat: Which One Is Better for Business?

In the business world, the ability to utilize and offer intelligent automation solutions is a crucial part of continued growth. In the contact center environment, introducing alternative channels like text and chat can lower costs while providing customers with a range of options. Over the past few years, mobile apps have become a prevalent fixture […]

Desk Phones Make Way for Mobile

What’s the top communication device in the workplace? Laptop? Tablet? Desk phone? Actually, it’s none of the above. It’s the smartphone, and it has officially dethroned the desk phone. Smartphones rank #1 in communications, while desk phones come in at #5, only ahead of the feature phone (a.k.a. any mobile phone that’s not a smartphone).

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