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Intelligent Digital Workers for Every Industry and Department

What is an Intelligent Digital Worker?

Intelligent Digital Workers (IDWs) can communicate conversationally across any channel, in any language. IDWs can automate meaningful tasks, shifting the work relationship between people and machines. IDWs are comprised of skills that can be shared across teams, resulting in a fully “botified” organization.

Retail Demos

It’s clear that most organizations are wired for one-way communication. In these siloed environments, communications are stalling across competing communication platforms. For retail companies that are nurturing and protecting customer relationships, this problem is critical to solve.


We provide tools, training, and guidance to allow enterprises to iteratively transform their communication strategy into one that prioritizes customer service and efficiency.

Proven Success in Retail:


Revenue Booster

Our product significantly increases net revenue for our clients annually


Call Containment

Achieving an impressive containment rate


IDW Creation

Rapid deployment with production rollouts happening in 2-4 weeks


Intent recognition

We deliver solutions that excel in intent recognition.

Service Provider Demos

For service providers to deliver on evolving customer expectations, they need to be able to quickly manage and account for multiple schedules and provide reliable cross-channel communications.


We provide tools, training, and guidance to allow enterprises to iteratively transform their communication strategy into one that will put customer service first.

Proven Success with Service Providers:


Rapid Deployment

We specialize in no-code IDW creation with most of our solutions being deployed in 2-4 weeks


Intent recognition

Our advanced solutions consistently achieve over 90% intent recognition

Finance and Banking

Traditional financial services are changing. Banks are opting for smarter, more transparent systems that allow for communication with customers at any time of day from their phone. With something as important as personal finance, customers need reassurance that their money is in good hands with reliable and impressive customer service.


Our platform allows financial companies and banks to deliver better experiences to customers, agents, and employees by using customized intelligent digital workers.

Proven Success in Finance:

862 M

Saved Business Hours with

AI Forbes predicts that AI will considerably cut technical debt, significantly increasing time efficiency.

$1 Trillion

Additional Value Yearly

Deliver up to $1 trillion additional value every year through personalization, and reduce costs through higher operational efficiencies and mitigated errors (McKinsey).

2 Hours

Bots Built

Our no-code bots can be built speedily, taking a mere two hours to set up.

Over 90%

Intent Recognition

We offer high-quality solutions with intent recognition exceeding 90%, ensuring reliability in our offer.

IT Department

IT departments have dozens of opportunities for automation of conversations and tasks. Building IT IDWs can bolster team productivity and productivity for other departments as they interact with the IT department.


Our platform can help you deliver better experiences to employees and members of your IT department.

Proven Success for the IT Department:

862 M

Saved Business Hours with

AI Forbes predicts that AI will considerably cut technical debt, significantly increasing time efficiency.

Ensuring Top-Tier Security Standards

We strictly adhere to key security standards like SOC2, HIPAA, GDPR, amongst others.


Bot Creation

Our technology enables quick no-code bot development, ensuring rapid deployment.


Success Rate in Intent Recognition

We vouch for the quality of our solutions with a high intent recognition rate.

HR Department

Technology has matured to allow organizations to deploy sophisticated chatbots and digital assistants. These solutions use Conversational AI capabilities to create experiences for the workforce that go beyond what humans alone can deliver. 


These bots can fundamentally transform the way workplace and HR interactions happen, with the ability to resolve inquiries, automate administrative tasks, prompt the right behaviors, and deliver data and insights to improve “in the moment” decision-making.

Proven Success for HR Department:

862 M

Hours Saved

Conversational AI poised to drastically improve efficiency according to Forbes.


Recruiters' Confidence in AI

As per Deloitte, a vast majority of recruiters are positive about AI enhancing recruitment and retention.


Bot Building Time

No-code bots can be constructed swiftly, ensuring a deployment period of 2-4 weeks.


Intent Recognition Rate

Our solutions emphasise quality, scoring high in intent recognition.


Use Case Containment

Depending on the use case, our solutions have achieved 60-80% containment.


CSAT Score

We are dedicated to improving employee satisfaction, maintaining a CSAT score of 83%.


Hospitals and healthcare facilities are opting for smarter, more transparent systems that allow for communication with patients at any time of day from their phone. With something as important as healthcare, people need reassurance that their data is in good hands with reliable customer service.


We provide tools, training, and guidance to allow enterprises to iteratively transform their patient care and communication strategy to suit the age of AI and generative AI. Our platform will help you deliver better experiences to patients, doctors, and healthcare professionals by using customized intelligent digital workers.

Proven Success in Healthcare:

60k & 110M

Medical Services

Services to numerous medical practices and patients annually


IDW Creation

No-code bots are ready within hours

197 M

Annual Calls

Automation handles millions of calls yearly



Millions of texts sent to healthcare communities annually

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