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Strengthen Your Disaster Response Efforts With SMS

Three weeks ago, a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal, killing 7,000 people and displacing millions. Homes were leveled, monuments were reduced to rubble, and a people were shaken. In the hours that followed, aid organizations rushed into action, mobilizing medical personnel and rescue workers in response to the crisis. Organizations like Doctors Without Borders […]

Providing SMS Solutions for Humanitarian and Disaster Relief

Custom SMS and voice solutions are incredibly powerful in humanitarian and natural disaster relief efforts. In the past, organizations have used texting to send notifications, deliver surveys and solicit donations (see our post on non-profits and SMS for more use cases). But it’s really been over the past few months that texting has started to show […]

These 4 Non-Profits Have Had Great Success With SMS–Now It’s Your Turn

The question isn’t what can text messaging do for your organization, it’s what can’t text messaging do for your organization? From setting up a simple automated survey to initiating more complex fundraising campaigns, SMS offers an abundance of possibilities. The best part, especially for organizations with limited financial and technology resources, is that it’s easy, […]

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