You Don’t Need An App for That

In July of 2013 Toby Shapshak, the South African speaker, strategist and editor of Stuff Magazine, did a TED talk called You Don’t Need An App For That. Business leaders, innovators and experience designers would soon realize how profound this TED talk was to the rest of the world. Shapshak’s astute observations and message to […]
Sharing the Love: Amy Krouse Rosenthal and the Emerging Connection between Author and Reader

Throughout much of history, authors have maintained a distance from readers, their experiences separated by both time and place. As novelist Paolo Coelho noted, writing is “a solitary experience.” The work of the author was often created in isolation—seemingly forged in the rarified air of their literary mountain before being handed down to the waiting […]
Weekly Review: 07/18

Happy Friday! Here’s our picks for the best customer service, customer experience, bot and mobile articles of the week, in no particular order.
Why Your Mobile Strategy Isn’t Complete Without Text Messaging

In today’s world, customer service is no longer restricted to a simple phone call. A recent report from Dimension Data found that digital interactions account for 35% of all contact center interactions. In fact, customers are so vested in the idea of emerging channels that contact centers have ranked it their number one priority. As digital use climbs, nearly […]
Weekly Review: 5/31 Edition

Happy Friday! Here’s our picks for the best customer service, customer experience, bot and mobile articles of the week, in no particular order.
How to Write Automated Texts That Sound Human

This post is co-written with Leslie O’Flahavan of E-WRITE. If your customers have opted-in to receive texts from your company, they probably realize that some of your texts are going to be automated. They understand that sometimes texts from your company were sent by an automated system and that you don’t actually have a human […]
5 Reasons Why Your Customer Service Should Include Chatbots

It’s an exciting time to be involved the customer service and communications space. There are more ways to interact with a brand than ever before (email, Twitter, even Snapchat), but one of the most new and exciting advancements is chatbots.
Why Texting Is Great for Medical Appointment Reminders and Medication Adherence

I recently got an appointment reminder from my eye doctor asking me to confirm my appointment over text messaging (see below).
7 Reasons Why Texting Is Great for Customer Service [SLIDESHARE]

At OneReach, we’ve long been supporters of texting for customer service. There are a few key reasons why.
The Perfect Tool(s) for Joining the SMS Bot Gold Rush

Through the history of the Internet, we’ve seen a bots of all flavors (scrapers, viruses, worms), all often giving bots a bad name. They’re small bits of code that can carry out a host of malicious actions–stealing web content, screwing up web analytics, and encouraging click fraud. This all sounds pretty dire, but more recently, […]