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IDC Top 10 Predictions For Worldwide IT, 2019


September 5, 2019

IDC Top 10 Predictions For Worldwide IT, 2019

Among other important predictions, IDC believes that AI and machine learning will achieve adoption scale [...]

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Among other important predictions, IDC believes that AI and machine learning will achieve adoption scale quickly between 2018 and 2023, and this will contribute to “500 million new logical apps created, equal to the number built over the past 40 years.”

“Calling the rapid digitization of competitors and industries a clock ticking loudly in the heads of every CEO, IDC advises enterprises that if they’re not digitally transforming their companies at an aggressive pace, that by 2022, just over two-thirds of their total addressable markets will be gone. Nothing short of a wholesale reinvention of enterprises’ digital innovation capabilities is needed. These and many other insights are from IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry 2019 Predictions, the research and advisory firms’ top 10 predictions and key drivers for the IT industry over the next five years.”

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