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Stakeholder Journey Maps: the Key to Using Big Data in AI Builds


May 25, 2022

Stakeholder Journey Maps: the Key to Using Big Data in AI Builds

Stakeholder journey maps can be really powerful tools when equipped with design thinking and data science.

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Developers and designers usually use Stakeholder Journey Maps for visualizing experiences, helping targeted stakeholders navigate through their journeys, and identifying the KPIs for each action or decision within it.

In his recent article on Data Science Central, Bill Schmarzo shares how powerful these tools can be if it is equipped with design thinking and data science.

Image from Bill Schmarzo

That ability to share, reuse, and continuously refine the underlying data and analytic components across a common data and analytics architecture accelerates the development of Data Products and enables the orchestration of Data Products to address more complex business value chain use cases.

This collaborative well-known tool can go far beyond common design tasks.

What I find far more interesting about a stakeholder journey map is how it can be used to understand where and how to leverage big data plus AI / ML to create Data Products that can optimize and re-invent the targeted stakeholder’s journeys and transform the stakeholder experience.

Read the article from Data Science Central to learn what advantages Big Data might bring to Stakeholder Journey Maps regarding optimizing your business processes.

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